Dr. McEntire teaches in Emergency
Administration and Planning (EADP), he served
as former undergraduate Program Coordinator. Prior to
coming to the University of North Texas in the Fall
of 1999, McEntire attended the Graduate School of
International Studies at the University of Denver.
While pursuing his degree, he worked for the International
and Emergency Services Departments at the American
Red Cross. McEntire has received several Quick Response
Grants (funded by the National Science Foundation
through the Natural Hazards Center at the University
of Colorado) which allowed him to conduct research
on disasters in Peru, the Dominican Republic, Texas,
New York and California.
Dr. McEntire's academic interests include emergency
management theory, international disasters, community
preparedness, response coordination, and vulnerability
reduction. His research has been published in Public
Administration Review, the Australian Journal of
Emergency Management, Disasters, the International
Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, the Journal
of Emergency Management, Sustainable Communities
Review, the International Journal of Emergency Management,
the Towson Journal of International Affairs, the
Journal of the American Society of Professional Emergency
Planners, and the Journal of International and Public
Affairs. Dr. McEntire has received highly commended
awards for his research in Disaster Prevention and
Management and he has received grants to conduct
terrorism response training for FEMA in Arkansas
and Oklahoma. He has been a contributing author for
a study of Texas Homeland Security Preparedness for
the Century Foundation as well as two IQ Reports
for the International City/County Management Association.
McEntire has presented papers in Mexico and Norway,
and at the Higher Education Conference at FEMA's
Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
He is a member of Congressman Burgess’ Homeland
Security Advisory Board and has reviewed books for
Delmar Learning. Dr. McEntire has completed
an instructor guide on disaster response operations
for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. |